We inform our customers that to improve your browsing experience, manage the contents of the shopping cart, offer you our personalized advice, our website uses cookies implantation devices and IP storage. The cookie is a file that we deposit on your computer and whose sole purpose is to simplify your browsing in CARRASPORT SL (this cookie cannot contain viruses or be executed, because it is not an active file). The cookie can only be read by CARRASPORT SL and by you, and can be deleted if you wish, accessing the options of your browser. Consult your browser's help menu for more information.

CARRASPORT SL is not responsible for the content of the web pages that the user can access through the links located on this website, and declares that in no case will he proceed to examine or exercise any control over the content of other Network pages Likewise, it will not guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of pages outside its property that can be accessed through the aforementioned links.
CARRASPORT SL declares that it has taken all the necessary measures to avoid any damage that could be derived to its users from browsing this website. Consequently, CARRASPORT SL is not responsible in any case for any damage that the user may suffer from browsing the Internet.

CARRASPORT SL also reserves the right to file civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate for the improper use of its website and contents or for breach of these conditions.
The relationship between the user and CARRASPORT SL will be governed by current Spanish regulations and they will be competent to decide on any dispute that may arise between the user and CARRASPORT SL, the courts or courts of the city of Ronda.

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